Fairgrounds ARENA Schedule of Events
Our footing is worked daily as needed and per contract for events. To check on daily work times contact our office. Below are the monthly schedules, which change often, as well as links to show flyers that have been made available.
The fee for riding is $5 per rider or by annual ride pass (available in the office.) ALL RIDERS must complete an Equine Activity Release Waiver (legibly and completely) and pay the ride fee or enclose their ride pass each time they use the arenas. The sticker must be completed and placed on the rider for easy identification by security.
The indoor arena is for mounted riders only during public ride time; no loose horses or people on the ground. The outdoor arena may be used for lunging; no loose horses with the exception of boarder’s horses in the outdoor arena until 11 am when arena has not been rented.
Use of obstacles or any gaming practice is not permitted during public ride times as a courtesy to all riders and for everyone’s safety and security. The arenas are available for private use (obstacles not provided); see the arena rate schedule for pricing and contact the office to reserve time.
Onsite security will be enforcing rules for everyone’s safety and enjoyment. Please adhere to the rules, including where to park, load and unload (all to the back of the barns).’
Other areas for use:
Heritage Building and Jake’s Lawn Picnic Pavilion and Garden Lawns Barns
Public Riding Information
Below you will find .pdf downloads For Public Riding Information:

Arena Hours
7:00 AM to 10:00 PM
Open for riding when not rented or an event; usually open on Tuesdays, please check the schedule.