4H and FFA Information
Our fair wouldn’t be complete without the youth who exhibit their projects each year. All 4-H and FFA shows & exhibits are open to the public for viewing during fair hours. We encourage you to show up and support the future leaders of our community!
4-H Leaders Barn
Thompson Barn
Evergreen Barn
Small Animals:
Small Animal Barn
Sheep and Goats:
Harding Barn
Hall Barn
Beef and Dairy:
Beef and Dairy Barns
4H & FFA Horticulture Exhibits:
Wiser Pavillion
4H & FFA Static Exhibits:
Leslie Lewis Pavillion

Emergency Rules to Mitigate the Risk of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza
On June 24, 2024 the Oregon Department of Agriculture issued emergency rules to mitigate the risk of transmission of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) at exhibitions. The purpose of the rules is to prevent the introduction of HPAI into an exhibition, while also providing a framework to mitigate the risk of transmission between livestock, and ultimately, to people if HPAI is introduced.
These rules apply only to exhibitions where “influenza susceptible animals” (lactating dairy cattle, swine, waterfowl, and other poultry) will be present.
Registration & Recordkeeping
Exhibitions where influenza susceptible animals will be present must register with ODA at least 20 days prior to animals arriving at the exhibition (registration form included below).
Exhibition organizers will be required to collect and retain records of animals and exhibitors for 90 days following the exhibition. Records will only need to be made available to ODA in the case of a disease outbreak.
General Health Requirements
Exhibitions will be required to consult with a licensed veterinarians during the planning of the exhibition to ensure the protocols are in place to address animals the become sick during the exhibition, and exhibitions must have at least one veterinarian of record that is available to provide veterinary services during the exhibition.
Animals showing potential signs of infectious, contagious, or communicable diseases will not be allowed entry to exhibitions. Exhibitions must have a plan in place to isolate animals that develop potential signs of infectious, contagious, or communicable diseases during the exhibition until they can be examined by a veterinarian.
Different species of influenza susceptible animals (dairy cattle, swine, waterfowl, other poultry) must be housed separately at exhibitions, and may not be allowed to share unventilated confined airspace, fences, or feeders or waterers.
Exhibitions Open to the General Public
Exhibitions open to the general public must provide hand washing or sanitation stations at exits from areas where influenza susceptible animals are housed. Exhibitions must also provide signage regarding the risks of animal exposure and recommending hand washing at entrances and exists from areas where influenza susceptible animals are housed.
Handwashing signs for exhibitions are available from CDC here.
Species-Specific Requirements
Dairy Cattle Requirements
Lactating dairy cattle may not be milked in areas directly accessible to the general public. A physical separation (rope, wall, etc) must be provided to keep members of the general public at least 10 feet away from animals while being milked.
Lactating dairy cattle must have a negative PCR test within 10 days prior to arrival at the exhibition. ODA will provide supplies, shipping, and testing free of charge to exhibitors through the exhibition coordinators. Exhibitors must be an approved bovine HPAI sampler to collect samples.
Waterfowl Requirements
Waterfowl may not be provided open water to swim in while at exhibitions. Waterfowl must have a negative PCR test within 10 days prior to arrival at the exhibition. ODA will provide supplies, shipping, and testing free of charge to exhibitors through the exhibition coordinators.
Ryan Scholz, DVM MPH
Oregon State Veterinarian